admin 發表於 2019-11-22 22:08:33



1. what invention lets you look right through the wall?

2. What two keys can't open any doors?

3. What is as big as an elephant, but weights nothing at all?

4. What is higher without a head than with a head?

5. If you threw a white stone into the Red Sea, what would it become?

6. What English verb becomes its own past tense by rearranging its own letters ?



舉例來說,如果西方人拿了一件商品問老闆:「How much is this?」而且聽不懂老闆說的:「十元」;你幫忙翻譯時,可千萬不要兩根食指交叉跟他比一個「十」,因為那對他來說不是「ten」,而是一個加號 。

Usually, when you're not on the same page as someone else, you will try to find ways to solve the culture shock, and a middle place to accomplish a shared goal.

Culture shock means the impact you may feel when you enter a culture very different from one to which you are accustomed. It is common among immigrants and foreign students. No matter how well you are prepared, there are many things in a culture that you cannot find in books.

It's simply a common way to describe the confusing and nervous feelings a person may have after leaving a familiar culture to live in a new and different culture. When you move to a new place, you're bound to face a lot of changes. That can be exciting and stimulating, but it can also be overwhelming. You may feel sad, anxious, frustrated, and want to go home.

Your environment isn't just the air you breathe and the food you eat, though; a big part of your environment is culture. Culture is made up of the common things that members of a community learn from family, friends, media, literature, and even strangers. These are the things that influence how they look, act, and communicate. Often, you don't even know you're learning these things because they become second-nature to you .









1. what invention lets you look right through the wall? 什麼發明讓你可以看穿牆壁?

答案是窗子(A window)

2. What two keys can't open any doors?

兩個有 keys的字,或是兩把鑰匙,在英文字裡都是「 two keys 」 Donkey(驢子)與 Monkey(猴子)字裡都有 key,可是都打不開門。

答案是(A Donkey, and a Monkey)

3. What is as big as an elephant, but weights nothing at all? 什麼東西像大象一般重,但是卻一點重量也沒有?

答案是大象的影子(The shadow of an elephant )

4. What is higher without a head than with a head?



答案是枕頭(A pillow)

5. If you threw a white stone into the Red Sea, what would it become?


Red Sea 字首都是大寫,表示是名詞,無論如何都不會將白石染色。所以白石頭只會變「溼」(wet)。

6. What English verb becomes its own past tense by rearranging its own letters? 哪一個英文字將字母重組之後,會變成自己的過去式?

答案是(eat)eat 的過去式是ate,就是將eat重組(rearrange)後的同樣三個字母。

The victory sign
台灣人拍照時最愛比這個勝利手勢(The victory sign),到國外旅行,看到人人比個「v」,走上前去相認同胞就對了。但是,並不是處處都能這麼比喔。


老布希並不是故意冒犯當地原住民,而是文化差異(culture shock)。因為澳洲人雖然也講英文,但這個v字型在澳洲原住民來說,卻是一種鄙視和扯上性行為的連結(如同比中指!)使得當地原住民對老布希總統表示「非常不歡迎」!


Not on the same page
中文形容溝通不良,叫做「雞同鴨講」,但是用英文可不能說chicken talking to ducks, 而是比較含蓄的 We are not on the same page. 也就是說彼此的認知有落差,不在同一頁上。
西方人強調獨立自主,有時見到一個人袋子破了、東西散了一地,我們也不可以冒然幫他撿拾,必須先問他:「may I help you?」(我可以幫你嗎?)否則,有時一番好意還會惹來白眼。

解釋為鋪天蓋地、排山倒海 、勢不可擋。
You may feel sad, anxious, frustrated, and want to go home.

yzqcqaji 發表於 2020-3-13 15:25:12

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